Content Services
Blog Posts

Blog content ages quickly. Brands should spend 50% of content hours reworking anything that’s been posted for more than two years. Identical creates new, 3,000-word pieces or updates your older stuff. Either way, we write words that internet-crawling robots easily digest while making you still sound human.

Marketing Automation

Owning the audience you’ve worked to attract is more valuable than borrowing it from Meta or Alphabet. Email campaigns, e-commerce drips and lead-generation copywriting from Identical help you amass a private list that delivers for your recipients and drives revenue for your business.

Sales Collateral

Customers don’t buy when they can’t remember you. Physical handouts keep people interested while keeping you evergreen. Through the mail, on the tradeshow floor, while closing larger sales—when a longer consideration phase is industry standard, copywriting from Identical goes the distance.

Mapping the far reaches of your brand

To write a book's worth of words about a brand or business, Identical becomes subject experts in your world. We learn all we can, exploring it from every angle, sharing new perspectives.

Work Examples
SEO Copy

We serve long-term clients—such as TransUnion—writing revenue-generating, keyword-inspired blog posts that satisfy search engines and generate backlinks for years.


We've helped new products sell $1,000,000 on launch day thanks to pre-release campaigns and lead capture tools. Identical writes email flows, review requests, upsell messaging—anything that automates revenue.

Printed Long-form

Sometimes your customers wants to get in the weeds before purchasing. Identical pens brochures and "infotainment" pieces that inform. Past work includes Disney Meetings, San Diego Tourism, KinderCare (pictured).

Product Descriptions

For full rebrands (Andis; Haute Hounds) or new items (SPY)—tone of voice matters in product copy. We’ve written for hundreds of SKUs and renamed dozens of products.

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Please tell us about your project and we'll send comparable work examples.